Professional Liability Coverage and Optional Insurance Options for Small Businesses.

Protect Your Business and Your Professional Reputation

You’ve worked too hard throughout your career to get to where you are to leave your business unprotected.

FSB can deliver can customize coverage options to meet the unique needs of your profession.

Key coverage areas for business professionals may include:

Office Contents

Safeguard your business assets, including furniture, equipment, and supplies, against loss or damage within your office premises. Protect your valuable investments from unforeseen events.

Valuable Papers

Ensure the safety of important documents, such as contracts or records, with valuable papers coverage. In the event of loss or destruction, receive reimbursement for the cost of reproduction or restoration, preventing costly setbacks.

Professional Fees

Defending your business against claims or lawsuits can lead to substantial professional fees. Get the financial support you need with professional fees coverage, reimbursing the expenses incurred in navigating legal challenges.

Employee Crime and Dishonesty

Protect your business from financial losses resulting from fraudulent activities committed by employees, such as theft, forgery, or embezzlement. Employee crime and dishonesty coverage provides peace of mind and safeguards your assets.

Business Interruption

Prepare for unexpected disruptions to your business operations with business interruption insurance. This coverage provides income loss and necessary expense coverage, ensuring you can recover and maintain financial stability during challenging times

Errors & Omissions Liability

Protect your business from claims alleging negligence, errors, or mistakes in your professional services. Errors and omissions (E&O) liability coverage offers financial protection and covers legal defense costs, providing peace of mind and protecting your reputation.

Directors & Officers Liability

Shield your company’s directors and officers from personal financial losses and legal expenses. Directors and officers liability insurance protects them if they are sued for alleged wrongful acts or decisions made in their official capacities, preserving their financial well-being.

Safeguard your success with the right insurance coverage tailored to your specific needs. Contact us to ensure your business is protected from costly lawsuits and unexpected events.